Sunday, November 26, 2006

More of Owen's River Gorge

Well, its been awhile since Matt and I have posted anything on this blog. I guess that our lack of pictures make it less appealing to use this. Anyways, my apologies for those who sit on the edge of their seat all day long, waiting for a glimpse of what we've been up to (Jeff).

The familiar coo of 'were having such a great time' continues. The weather is fantastic and we ARE having a great time. Most of our time has been in the gorge, doing sport climbing. We've tackled some very challenging routes, and we have the scars on our hands to prove it. One afternoon I was trying this interesting climb that went straight up for 30 feet, then it moves horizontally for another 30 feet. Right when I'm at the 'crux' (the hardest part of the route) I look down to see my faithful belayer (matt) chatting up a storm with some old hippy man that appeared out of no where! After finishing the climb I finally came down off the rock to meet Matt's long-lost friend, 'Uncle Mike'. This guy looks weathered, and friendly...and he's been climbing for over 35 years! We started chatting more with him, and realized that he had set quite a number of the routes in the gorge, and spent a lot of time climbing with some legends. Then he took us up on the offer to climb the line I had just put up, (an 11b...not a walk in the park by any means) and he agreed. ALthough he struggled a little, he made it up the face with relative ease. He became our buddy by the end of that day, and we spent a few days climbing with him, and hearing his stories about all sorts of adventures. Unfortunetly we didn't get a picture of him, but I leave it up to your imaginations.

I just wanted to note for those few that know the lingo...I red pointed my first 11c today! Its called 'Flex Your Head', which I certainly did! My hands are still sweating like crazy just thinking about it! Anyways, thats what the picture is of me at the base on it. You can see the line move up the face with the white marks (chalk).

THe other pictures are of the Upper Gorge (farther up stream than the first pictures); Matt and I being narcissitic, b/c its beautiful; and us on an 11d.

n.b. red point: to lead a route from beginning to end with no takes, falls or rests on the rope!

Friday, November 17, 2006

After Lindsey and Nevin left, Matt and I headed to Bishop again to check out the sport climbing in the Owen’s River Gorge. We set up camp at the ‘pit’, the climbers only campground. For two dollars a night, you get a toilet and your pick of sites in the old abandoned gravel mine. It has a subtle charm to it, and with this great weather, we really can’t complain either way.

The sport climbing has been really great! We’ve already checked out quite a few places in the gorge (that has over 1500 routes) and gotten to climb some really nice lines. Sorry for the lack of pictures of us actually climbing, but without the third party, are hands our tied either climbing or belaying one another! We also have done some bouldering at the Buttermilk range. It felt weird to go back to bouldering after all this sport climbing, but we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.

The gorge itself requires that we descend nearly 400 feet to the base of the gorge where we begin our climbs. The hike (both up and down), is steep and challenging. It’s a real kicker at the end of the day when you know you have to climb back up to the car before the sun goes down. Anyways, as we spent the first day in the gorge we realized that there was an inordinate number of climbers wearing helmets. Which makes sense since the gorge top is covered with millions of boulders or all shapes and sizes, just waiting for erosion to let them go on the ride of there life. So Matt’s fashion sense had to bite the bullet, and we bought some snazzy helmets for the rest of our time in the gorge. (I think I look like a rockstar in mine personally). Check out the pics, and enjoy! Miss you all…and lots of love to go around.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Goodbye to Linz and Nevin

The climbing in Red Rocks has been so amazing! Once again, Matt and I have had such a good time with Linz and Nevin. We had to watch them leave on thursday morning (the 9th), and are now stuck wondering what to do with ourselves after all of our roadtrip friends have left us. Of course the stories in person are always much grander, but I’d like to provide at least my personal highlights from our time with Linz and Nevin for your reading pleasure. With the help of Nevin (our ever-patient teacher), we’ve all over come some of our fear of leading routes and climbed so much cool stuff; we’ve learnt life lessons on the strip (I’m convinced that the casinos are teaching me all I ever need to know about respecting what money I have...and no, I'm not going to stirke it big); watched nearly the entire ‘Lost’ series in a tent (Michael is such an idiot); and laughed SO much in nearly every circumstance (even when Lindsey knocked herself out with our bike rack).

Linz and Nevin we love you guys, and it was hard to see you go! Matt and I are already talking about what adventures await the four of us in the future…here are some pics of some great memories.

More of Red Rocks

Here are so more pictures of some of the climbing we've been doing of the past couple of days. The weather is hot (I know, curse my name if you have to, but we are basking in this sun, so far away from the snow and frost-covered windows!). We've covered a lot of the climbing areas that the park has to offer for sport climbing, and I think we've each found at least a few routes that will haunt us in our sleep once we've left this place. Anyways, enjoy!

Hoover Dam, November 5th

So after a late night on the town and then a massive breakfast prepared by Andy and Vicki, the 4 of us headed out to check out the Hoover Dam. We had been talking this thing up all trip, totally stoked to see it. Due to the late start we arrived to the dam just in time for the last tour. Despite the steep price for the tour (a combined 50$ for parking and 4 tickets) we were determined to see this dam in all its majesty and grandeur. To our dissapointment, the tour itself was shorter than the time we spent in the elevator, descending 500 feet to the base of the dam. Oh well, we were not phased at all... Holly cornered the tour guide once the tour was done and we grilled him with questions for another 30 minutes or so. So I guess in the end we got our money's worth! This brings me to another point... he instantly recognized our "accents" as Canadian. Many other people climbing near us have noticed this too. I didn't think our speech was that distinct!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Saskatoon VS. Las Vegas (round II)

Well, after a number of days spent climbing we decided to take a rest day and return to Las Vegas, and return to visit Andy and Vicki (Holly's Uncle and Aunt who generously hosted us once before when Jeff was still down). We left behind our hot days in the sun, nights watching LOST in Nev and Linz's mansion of a tent, big & cheap beerz.

After downing excellent, refreshing margueritas made by Uncle Andy, we hit up one of the many renowned casino-buffets for a feast. Linz and Nev hit it off with Holly's Aunt and Uncle, and we all had a great visit.

The next portion of our evening can be summarized in a couple sentences: Nevin and I both experienced the less-glamorized aspect of a night on the strip, losing the money that we rationed for the evening of slots, black jack, and roulette (Jeff - you know what I'm talking about... ). Our better halves, however, managed to come out slightly ahead financially, all the while teaching us the finer points of blackjack...

The highlights of the night were definately when we sat down for a relaxing beverage on the balcony of the most expensive casino in town, "the Wynn" and enjoyed each others company...

a close second was when we called Andy for a ride at 2am, only to find out that he and Vicki were still out, in the same casino we were, still going strong. The four of us all found it inspiring to be around Andy and Vicki's enthusiasm for life, and their youthfulness. Needless to say we had a great night... the photos speak for themselves...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Arrival of Lindsey and Nevin October 29th

Holly and I had spent the last couple days bouldering, and hanging out around the Red Rocks area, watching "Lost" at night, and playing crib, but things picked up when Linz and Nevin showed up after a 24 hour drive from Calgary to Vegas. After catching up we got right into the route climbing. Nevin taught all of us the technical aspects of route climbing: We now know how to climb up the faces, clip protective equipment to pre-drilled bolts, and how to take everything down when we are done. We FINALLY got to try our new gear (rope & quickdraws) which we have been waiting to use since the wedding, it was so awesome! So in the past 3 days, we've all climbed some challenging stuff, and improved so much. By the end of the trip the 4 of us will be in pretty good route climbing shape. The rocks we are climbing are beautiful red faces with everything from steep overhanging climbs to tall, vertical faces, to less than vertical stuff (slab).

The problem with having Linz and Nevin on the trip now, is that between the four of us we cannot hold one single conversation for longer than 45 seconds. We are all so excited not only to climb, but to see each other and share stories and jokes (that's mostly Nevin's deptarment) and do lots of laughing. I swear that our campground neighbours think we are all hyperactive spacecadets. We are so glad that they could make it down, (and Jeff we all have a moment of silence for you that you aren't with us. We miss you a lot, and HAVE to all go on a trip together sometime! Don't forget that you can be on a plane and here on your weeks off with only a small dint in your massive-winnings-wallet).

Anyway, here are some photos of our climbing for you to check out, and we will have another post up in a few days or so. Take care everyone and we'll talk soon.

p.s. Brenda and Joan! We just wanted to let you know that Nevin is doing an awesome job of teaching us the safest way to do all of this. We aren't being crazy, or risky in any sense of the word!

p.p.s. While hiking into the climbing area the other day, Holly (leading the group) came about 2 feet from a huge snake sunning itself on the trail! We aren't sure what kind of snake it was, but after Matt picked it up for a closer look, he realized that it wasn't a rattlesnake!
