Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I Love My Saskatchewan

It's Holly here...

I am coming out of a period of massive neglect with this blog. It seems to happen anytime we make a BIG move. Our time in Thailand was such an amazing conclusion to our year abroad, and it feels so great to be back at home. This spring, Matt and I have both started grad school at the University of Regina. Matt is working in the limnology lab and continuing his masterful analysis of Saskatchewan lakes. I am diving into the avian world of our native prairie in Southwest Saskatchewan.

For all the spectacular sights I've ingested in my short life thus far, I can say that nothing fills my heart like the secret wonders of Saskatchewan. I've spent the past month wandering our native prairies and delighting in it's diversity. You may think that all this wandering in solitude will only encourage the continual loss of my sanity, but I assure you that indeed I am anything but alone...

Every morning I feel like I am the only person awake in the whole world. I am greeted by a private viewing of the sunrise as I walk through the crisp dewey grasses, carefully avoiding the meddling prairie cactus...ouch! The prairie flowers are starting to speckle the ground, and every morning I seem to discover a new species. Little birds soon start chipping and singing their tiny hearts out, so confident in themselves. Wouldn't it be nice if we had the confidence of those little birds to sing our heart's delights for all to here? I chance upon a faithful Mama bird flushing from her nest, and I marvel at her tiny little eggs nestled in their grassy bed. Thoughts of Cadbury Mini Eggs race through my head, but those sugary counterparts pale in comparison to Mother Nature's speckled treasures. What a good little Mama to sit their patiently enduring rain, wind, heat and predators in hopes that her brood will be successful. A gentle breeze then carries the abrupt and inquisitive snort of an antelope to my ears. Have you ever heard an antelope snort? They really are entertaining, and usually quite curious to see what kind of strange bipedal creature they have spotted. I smile everytime I meet these comical creatures, with their slightly mullet-ish mane.

Have I mentioned that my lovely husband now adorns a mullet? It's so hot.

I wish I could share some photos but I lack the magical cord. I promise to post some photos soon to support these fanatical claims to any skeptics in the audience who consider Saskatchewan to be a flat, boring visual punishment before hitting the rockies. Next time your blazing down one of our uninterrupted open roads stop and think about those secrets that are hidden in the flat expanse that surrounds you. It's an amazing world right in our own backyard. My only wish is that one morning I might rise above a ridge to discover a sleepy tepee village with a bison heard grazing off in the distance!
