Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Arrival of Lindsey and Nevin October 29th

Holly and I had spent the last couple days bouldering, and hanging out around the Red Rocks area, watching "Lost" at night, and playing crib, but things picked up when Linz and Nevin showed up after a 24 hour drive from Calgary to Vegas. After catching up we got right into the route climbing. Nevin taught all of us the technical aspects of route climbing: We now know how to climb up the faces, clip protective equipment to pre-drilled bolts, and how to take everything down when we are done. We FINALLY got to try our new gear (rope & quickdraws) which we have been waiting to use since the wedding, it was so awesome! So in the past 3 days, we've all climbed some challenging stuff, and improved so much. By the end of the trip the 4 of us will be in pretty good route climbing shape. The rocks we are climbing are beautiful red faces with everything from steep overhanging climbs to tall, vertical faces, to less than vertical stuff (slab).

The problem with having Linz and Nevin on the trip now, is that between the four of us we cannot hold one single conversation for longer than 45 seconds. We are all so excited not only to climb, but to see each other and share stories and jokes (that's mostly Nevin's deptarment) and do lots of laughing. I swear that our campground neighbours think we are all hyperactive spacecadets. We are so glad that they could make it down, (and Jeff we all have a moment of silence for you that you aren't with us. We miss you a lot, and HAVE to all go on a trip together sometime! Don't forget that you can be on a plane and here on your weeks off with only a small dint in your massive-winnings-wallet).

Anyway, here are some photos of our climbing for you to check out, and we will have another post up in a few days or so. Take care everyone and we'll talk soon.

p.s. Brenda and Joan! We just wanted to let you know that Nevin is doing an awesome job of teaching us the safest way to do all of this. We aren't being crazy, or risky in any sense of the word!

p.p.s. While hiking into the climbing area the other day, Holly (leading the group) came about 2 feet from a huge snake sunning itself on the trail! We aren't sure what kind of snake it was, but after Matt picked it up for a closer look, he realized that it wasn't a rattlesnake!



Stubble Jumper said...

What are you talking about? I am in northern alberta working the tongs... Joan and Brenda, you better make sure they know what they are getting into.... that's dangerous stuff!! Where are the photos to prove it Holly?
Hi mom and dad and family...

Jeffery said...

Yeah Nevin isn't joking hes sitting right next to me. We just finished playing Star Wars Battlefield for 17 hours straight, I don't feel so good.

Ohh don't tempt me Matt I might have to take you up on your offer.

Later Slot-Rats