Monday, March 26, 2007

Leaving Saskatoon, February 21st, 2007

Matt and I left this morning for Ulsan, South Korea! We will be teaching English as a second language to very young children in a private school. Our contract is for 12 months, and the funny thing is, now that we are about 3 hours over the Pacific Ocean I realize how crazy this experience will be for us. Already we are two of the (maybe) ten Caucasians on the plane. I am excited to see the world from this minority perspective, as there have been few times in my life where I fit that. Regardless of how much reading I have done to prepare, nothing prepares you for the real thing like diving head first into the unknown.

I’m so glad we got to see a lot of our loved ones before we left, and I am sorry for anyone that Matt and I didn’t get around to seeing.

- Colin, thanks for the cake, it was delicious! Sorry we missed you last night, but have an awesome time in Canmore this summer!
- Gabe, I didn’t get a chance to see you before we left at breakfast, but I just wanted to remind you that we are moving in with you when we get home.
- Emily, get better and don’t spill the bucket. Keep me up-to-date on the sweatpant situation in Saskatoon while I’m away.

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