Tuesday, April 24, 2007

An Overdue Update

Well, we have fallen behind on our updates so I will summarrize our last few weeks quickly. Firstly we are at the end of our second month of teaching, things are going well, and the kids are still totally entertaining! The kids have done everything from sticking pencils in every possible facial opening, to drawing dragons, magicians, dragons, more dragons and Hello Kitty. They've also given us a lot of food, roughly 2 lbs. of dry itchy ban (ramien) and some chips usually, sometimes a drink or chocolate bar. My showcase student, the one who flipped his desk in the middle of class to use it as shelter from machine gun fire, has thrown a video out the 3rd storey window to the parking lot, demonstrated his taekwondo skills, and pushed all the desks in the classroom in front of the door before I could get into the class. Its so funny I can't punish him, except for the video thing, I got a little angry.

So we have a sweet, two wheeled stallion now. We found a 12 speed vagabond-esque bike amongst the recycling in the foyer, which had suffered irreparable damages (a flat tire). It is a sleek addition to our apartment, as the name on the bike suggests (it's called a "fashion bike"... so cool).

We have been climbing a bit, usually on Sundays we go with the climbing club to different spots each week. I am pretty excited about the last place we visited, it was called Owl Rock... Holly liked it due to the name, naturally. The rock was this tall, steep face, that seemed even more massive because it stands alone on the edge of the highway to the Pyochyong temple (spelling?). The drive to the area was stunning, except for the village at the base of the dam that we passed... recipe for disaster... but what do know! It was a little ridiculous, we drove right up to the face, not having to walk at all, and a big restaurant about 50 feet away pumped out cheezy 80's love tunes, providing entertainment for our ears all day long. I was in Heaven, Holly was in Hell... The climbs were so cool, I can't wait to go back! Hopefully we can figure out how to add pictures soon. So after climbing we always go out for dinner as a group. Its so enjoyable, these people hardly speak a word of English, but they are so much fun and enjoyable. Its funny how that works.

We have a birthday party here at work today. It's quite different here from what I reember of Kindergarten (mind you that could be because my birthday was in July...). Once a month the children who have birthdays in the month are honoured with cakes, pizzas, chips, cookies, fried chicken (a Korean favorite) more cake, and pop. There are no less than 100 different combinations of children photographed with the birday boys/girls, and then every student gives the birthday boys/girls a gift. So the kids go home with bags full of gifts, its nuts... but it does make them feel pretty good to have a big party in their name!

So anyway that's all I've got, so I'll run. A few notable points: Jeff I noticed that we are done in the playoff race, I'm sorry, I know you'll be in the dumps for a few days... and Dad, we're super excited for your retirement, I know you're in the zone now, its too bad we can't be there but I'll be thinking of your big day. What else... Jon and John, I haven't talked to you guys in a while but I know you're doing well, I have connections that inform me. Oh, and Spooner, Key Lake won't be the same after you arrive... take it easy on them. Other than that I'm out. Take it easy everyone. We'll be in touch soon! Lots of love.

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