Saturday, June 30, 2007

A typical walk in the countryside

These pictures show the landscape on the outskirts of our city, Ulsan.
You can see below (in the picture where Holly is walking on the widest road in Korea) that at the lower altitudes, there is a lot of stepped agricultural land flooded with water. We think they must be rice fields... Most rivers are diverted to flood these fields, that are home to many amazing bird species looking to do some harvesting of their own! The man fishing in the lower picture is at a pond in this lower, lush area. I asked him if I could take a few casts but he told me to take a hike.

Depending on the altitude and orientation on the mountains surrounding Ulsan, there are dense bamboo stands, a sharp and sudden change in scenerey, as you can see here.

Finally, if an experienced guide is present (like the guy translating the signs for the others) he or she will lead hikers high up the mountains, possibly into the clouds if they are present, to breathe the cleanest, sweetest air... granted the guide doesn't get you lost!

Actually I was pretending to read the signs to catch my breath. If you've ever hiked with a member of the Kalyn family (Holly being no exception... She may be a Bogard by name but she's still got the Kalyn hiking pace in her blood) you'll understand why I was out of breath!


Schizz said...

Hey Matt and Holly,

Chels and I have now been in New Zealand for about 3 days and I'm absolutely loving it. We set up a blog at

Also, awesome pics from South Korea, looks amazing.



Jeffery said...

Sweet, so the next right turn should take us right to KFC.