Wednesday, July 18, 2007

How It Works Around Our Apartment Complex

Korea is a very densely populated country, with 480 people in each square kilometer, on average (while Canada has around 3.5 people living in each square kilometer).

So, the big issue here is space. This being said we have noticed some crazy things happening that we do not see back home:

Everyone lives in apartments. They build up here, not out.

It's normal to box other cars in in the parking lot due to lack of space. People leave their vehicles in neutral, with a rock under the tires. In case the people boxed in must leave, they roll the other car out of the way... so cool!

The coolest thing we see is when newcomers arrive to our apartment block, they load their stuff onto a platform and zip it up to their apartment window with a crane/zoom boom type thing. I guess you are fined $50 if you use the elevator to move, since it's in high demand.

Everything, and I mean everything, is recycled! Its great to see. We've had maybe 4 small bags of garbage since arriving here. There's no space for big landfills, so the only option is to recycle.

Who knows, maybe Canada will take on some of these practices one day when our population is larger.


Stubble Jumper said...

what the hay.. . thats crazy stuff!!! crowded..

amanda said...

nice work building up instead of outwards, unlike all the fat houses going up around saskatoon, you won't recognize the place