Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pandemonium in the Park

This day was a blast, the weather was perfect for kindergarten children to terrorize elderly ladies in the park, which they did.
As you can see, we divided the kids into 2 teams, gave them either a blue or white headband, and had relay races and played soccer all morning long. The white team was captained by me, while the blue team was lead by "Ben Teacher". Ben is the new teacher who just arrived from the UK.
It's amazing what a little sunshine and fresh air does for the kids. Where normally there would be pouting, crying, and maybe a little fighting, all we saw the entire day were smiles and laughing faces! The day was a blast for everyone.


Jeffery said...

Whoa Ben even looks like me!! Well, hmmp, thats really creepy some doppleganger has taken over my position. I guess I'll talk to you in March, I don't think its neccessary to have the same conversation twice, Ben can fill you in on all aspects of my... I mean OUR life.

Anonymous said...

jeff's on drugs...