Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 21st to 25th Viva Las Vegas

What to say about Las Vegas…well, for starters it is unlike any place we have seen so far on our trip! We have been staying with Uncle Andy and Aunt Vicki, who have spoiled us rotten with delicious meals, comfortable beds, showers, and great company and entertainment. We have toured through most of the casinos and spent a late evening out on ‘the strip’ before Jeff left.

We saw lots of light shows, water shows, and even a cannon battle between two ships (one of which was filled with scantily-clad women…much to Jeff’s delight). We played the slots, blackjack, and roulette. Jeff even placed some bets on some hockey games that night. Although none of us actually won by the end of the night, we had lots of fun laughing along the way at our misfortunes. I have a recommendation that Jeff never be allowed in a casino without supervision, as he likes to take big risks (until he’s flat broke).

From the pictures you’ll be able to see that the boys were at the top of their game with some new hats they bought in Victoria. Unfortunately lucky hats don’t work in Vegas. Some of the designs and themes of the casinos were very beautiful. I spent most of the time admiring the marble floors that had all this intricate tiling in it. It looked so pretty. You can see it in the picture of the boys with our hosts.

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