Sunday, October 29, 2006

Red Rock Canyon, Nevada

We are now in Red Rock Canyon, which is so close to Las Vegas I think Matt might be able to hit it if he were to spit hard enough. Just like the name says, these actually are red rocks! Matt and I spent about 3 hours yesterday touring the park from our bike seats. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of hard work. We biked from the campsite into the park where they have a 13 mile scenic drive. Lots of people take this loop from car, motorbike, bicycle...we even saw a couple guys running it! Anyways, the first 5 miles are literally all up hill. I thought I was going to die with the hot sun and dry desert air attempting to choke the life out of my lungs. Anyways, it was well worth the view, and the major downhill around mile 8. We also saw a couple wild burros, and some stupid californian tourists who were feeding them from their car.

Later that day we went for a climb to one of the bouldering areas in Calico Basin. We've had quite a few days off inbetween here and Bishop, so it was nice to get out on the rock again. Our friends Lindsey and Nevin should be here tomorrow, and we are going to start doing some Sport climbing. We are very excited for them to arrive!

If your wondering who the guy with me is, its still Matt. Regretfully he said goodbye to his haphazard mane for a squeeky clean haircut. Matt refuses to look into a mirror now, and its a sensitive subject, so I'll just let the picture do the talking (just kidding).

We bought the first season of "Lost" and have watched a few episodes now, its pretty exciting and we are hooked now. We've set up a comfortable couch in the car to watch the show, for nights when its too cold and windy to play crib.

1 comment:

Jeffery said...

I'm sooo jelous..... but not of the hair. Its actually not that bad, you could have no hair at all. Your just down about losing the long locks, trust me. Though you do look like a young Richard Gere Matt!

Hope the trip is going great, stop watching Lost and get to those casinos.